Our Impact
HIGHTS has served over 900 youth, program-wide, between 2022 and 2023 in Western North Carolina.
HIGHTS implements various programs to assist youth. HIGHTS offers programs such as Education and Workforce Development opportunities; Restorative Justice programs tailored to youth - aimed at diverting them from the traditional criminal justice system; holistic approaches to help address underlying issues such as trauma, substance abuse, mental health challenges, or academic struggles'; and community engagement opportunities with participants and partners. Community partnerships are essential to our success and we value all of our partners and employers.
The Healthy Opportunities Pilot (HOP) Program through HIGHTS provided a family with food boxes, supplementing their rent which saved them from being evicted.
Sienna, one of three triplets, arrived in Cherokee County at age 17 living in shelters, jobless, and without a high school diploma. Through the partnership of Bridge Academy of Tri-County Community College and HIGHTS, Inc. WIOA Youth Program, she obtained her Adult High School Diploma, found a part-time job and housing, and is currently attending college.
At the graduation ceremony in May 2023, TCCC bestowed upon her the newly established Daniel Rattler Award for her excellent grades and achievements.
A 17-year-old is first in his family to graduate from high school with the support of HIGHTS’ WIOA case managers. He now plans to attend JobCorp this year.
Gabe completed his high school equivalency diploma and landed a job in security at Angel Medical Center with HIGHTS' support. Due to his accomplishments, Gabe reached his goal to purchase his first car a "Crown Vic".
A participant who had undergone trauma had such a positive experience with the PATH program that she reached out years later to request a specific staff member to come to her high school graduation. She wanted the staff member to share her success even after all the time that had passed between overcoming barriers and healing.
“I’ve learned behind the scenes in a law firm and this has helped me decide my plans for college”
“I was able to learn about and experience the workforce while doing something I was interested in!”
One intern who worked in fast food for six years is absolutely loving helping the very elderly and very young at her new work experience at Salvation Army.
A 17-year-old parent was able to learn soft job skills from their work experience which earned her a permanent job at Drake Software.
“I was able to get certified in intraoral radiography! I can’t express how grateful I am to be where I am today.”
Jacob transitioned from our WEX to our first apprenticeship with support from NCCC, SCC, and AES. All of his books, course fees and weekly salary will be paid through this apprenticeship. The apprenticeship will also pay for his automotive tools needed for his SCC classes.
A 16-year-old was referred to HIGHTS as a diversion from charges with the Division of Juvenile Justice. After building rapport and being referred to more services, they completed the program. This individual now participates and remains active with HIGHTS by being an influential role model to other individuals referred to Restorative Justice Programs.
A 13-year-old was referred to HIGHTS seeking support with social skills. She had a history of being bullied and was shy at first. During her time in the group, she became an outgoing and talkative person who participated in conversation. She also made friends and found similar interests with another individual in the group. She would continue to inspire others in the group including being a role model for new participants.
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