Education & Workforce Development

About HIGHTS’ Education & Workforce Development

During the 2024-2025 Year


86,500 Job Vacancies by 2026


Placed 75 Participants in Internships


Supported 52 Participants in Postsecondary credentialing


Placed 16 Participants in Permanent Jobs


During the 2024-2025 Year - 86,500 Job Vacancies by 2026 - Placed 75 Participants in Internships - Supported 52 Participants in Postsecondary credentialing - Placed 16 Participants in Permanent Jobs -

HIGHTS’ Workforce Development and Education Programs provide career exploration, job training, apprenticeships, paid work experiences, and assistance for completing high school, secondary education, and credentials.

Our programs empower youth to overcome barriers to their educational or vocational goals by providing financial assistance for fees, necessary school and work supplies, transportation, childcare, and more.

Our programs partner with Jackson, Macon, Swain, Haywood, Graham, Clay, and Cherokee County Public Schools, the Southwestern Commission, NC Works Centers, and local community colleges to help participants achieve their educational and career goals.

Committed to Helping Youth Overcome Barriers

We serve opportunity youth and give them not only opportunities to learn and grow, but also assistance in decreasing barriers so that our participants can achieve their education and work goals.
